Hello Octopus support,
I have tried many times to unlock Sprint phones. N910P, G920P, N915P, etc....
process completes fine but still always "invalid SIM" and no network.
I know many people use old trick SSU.APK from aalyatin or install some
app but with these methods you unlock it OK but then you need to
configure region, mess with MSL, EFS, etc... The Sprint unlock is
something different (yes I am a stupid weekend unlocker)
Can this really unlock these SM-XXXP phones? For USA use.
If not for USA use can other users confirm they unlock say G920P and use in another country?
Thank you
Unfortunately we are not able to test, whether Sprint phones are working correctly (obtaining network) in USA after Unlock.
If You are facing any kind of problems after unlock of the phone -
please contact us to Skype, or Yahoo! Messenger and we will try to help
You. Our contacts You can find in our profile.
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